I always recall a song by Ray Boltz which I would lately like to share its Lyrics-"Let's Begin Again"
This song had been always clicking in my heart whenever I recall the day we exchanged our wedding Vows
The Lyrics go as follow:
I can still remember
When we said our wedding vows
We gave the Lord our hearts and our home
But lately we've been so busy
It's changing us somehow
I wonder if that's why we feel alone
Let's begin again
Trust in Him and not our feelings
Let's leave the loneliness behind
Take my hand and then
We can find a new beginning
Let's begin again
While there's still time
Jesus made a promise
If two of us agree
The Father up above would hear our prayer
He is still the healer
Of hurting families
And there is hope as long as He is there
Repeat chorus twice
When we said our wedding vows
We gave the Lord our hearts and our home
But lately we've been so busy
It's changing us somehow
I wonder if that's why we feel alone
Let's begin again
Trust in Him and not our feelings
Let's leave the loneliness behind
Take my hand and then
We can find a new beginning
Let's begin again
While there's still time
Jesus made a promise
If two of us agree
The Father up above would hear our prayer
He is still the healer
Of hurting families
And there is hope as long as He is there
Repeat chorus twice
The hustles of this modern life always tend to greatly interfere with the divine institution of marriage...and its only through faith in Him,the Founder and finisher of our faith,that we can stand tall again after being hit under the belt as far as our homes and family are concerned!
Be candid with your love life and gauge the romance you had when you both started from your wedding day....Is it still there? Where did it go? Who stole it?...Very important to have honest answers from these bitter questions.
Well,let meditate on the Law of the Lord below:
Prov 5:15-20 Drink waters out of your own cistern, and running waters out of your own well.Let your fountains be dispersed abroad, and rivers of waters in the streets. Let them be only your own, and not strangers' with you.Let your fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of your youth.Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy you at all times; and be you ravished always with her love.And why will you, my son, be ravished with a strange woman, and embrace the bosom of a stranger?
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